February 11, 2023

Issue #8

Good morning friends!

Shall we get right into it…

Quote of the day:

The Stoic tells himself that although the situation may appear frightening, the truly important thing in life is how he chooses to respond.

- Donald Robertson

A Musing, Aphorism, and Heuristic (or something like that)…

i) If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is… - Kurt Vonnegut

A quote I’d like you to consider today:

I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur to think at some point, ‘If this isn’t enough, I don’t know what is.’

Kurt Vonnegut

ii) When something not true…

When a thought pops into your head that's negative, and you know isn't true…

But, it stirs up your emotions.

Remind yourself it’s not true and list out 5 reasons it's absurd.

If you search hard enough you’ll find 100.

iii) The root of suffering is desire…

This comes from the school of Buddhism.

Happiness comes not with wanting more, but with wanting what you have.

There will always be more…

So if your joy comes from getting things, fulfillment will always be out of grasp.

Here’s a great quote from Naval Ravikant on what desire is:

“Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”

Note - I decided to recycle this piece as it is something I am reminding myself of today.

Cocktail Time: Communication tip; And the occasional joke; And fact

Communication tip:

Call them out.

If you are having an important or deep or meaningful conversation…

And other person says something you disagree with, say what you think.

Don’t be rude about it.

Listen before you do so…

As (if you don’t let emotions get in the way) you may change your mind by the time they’re done their point.

One Actionable Tip to Improve your Life Today:

Start the day set with the intention:

When something comes up you will not let your emotions control your reaction.

Instead, you will take a second to breathe.

Then react.

A Few Resources:

i) Want to get better at writing?
iii) For any of you, boxing fans (or anyone interested in sports/history) watch the video…

Thanks for reading friends!

I hope was able to give you something of value this morning.

If I did can you do me a favor and share this newsletter by clicking the socials at the top.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

- Morning Musing