February 6, 2023

Issue #3

Good morning:)

Let’s, not dilly-dally…

Quote of the day:

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor Frankl

A Musing, Aphorism, and Heuristic (or something like that)…

i) There is opportunity all around…

There is opportunity all around you.

If you:

  • Take the necessary actions

  • Take risks

  • Have the courage to face your fears

You will expose yourself to the potential that lies everywhere.

ii) It’s better to be a warrior in a garden then a gardener in a war…

Life will happen no matter what.

Hardships will occur.

Curveballs will come from left field.

You think of everything and still, something will go wrong.

Enjoy the good times but be ready for the inevitable hard times.

iii) Preparation + Opportunity = Luck

Luck isn’t really about being lucky.

You don’t want to be the person who gets lucky, you want to be the person who is lucky.

You can increase your luck by taking deliberate action.

Doing the right things (scroll up for more on this) will expose you to opportunities and prepare you to capitalize on opportunities that do arise.

Cocktail Time: 3 Interesting facts; 1 Communication tip; And the occasional joke

3 Interesting Facts:

i) An ant has the highest brain to body ratio.

ii) The Dalai Llama has a taste for nice things including Rolexes.

iii) The current Dalai Llama was born at a house where ashes that cooked the previous Dalai Llama’s lunch was buried out front.

Communication tip:

Remember things people say.

First impressions are important, but so are second impressions.

A simple way to make a great second impression is by remembering something the other person said the last time you spoke.

It doesn’t even have to be something “important”, remembering something random may even have better results because it shows that you were listening to everything.

One Actionable Tip to Improve your Life Today:

When was the last time you worked on your mobility?

Take some time today to stretch or foam roll if you have one.

5-10 minutes is a great place to start.

You’ll feel looser, more awake, and more relaxed throughout the day.

If you don’t know what to do, search for a beginner mobility or yoga routine to follow.

A Few Resources:

i) Check out the Light Diet Podcast by Matt Maruca, it touches on the importance of sunlight for health + the newer episodes branch out into other topics.

ii) Check out Julian Shapiro, he is a start-up investor that has a great blog on the topics of:

  • Building muscle

  • How to write well

  • How to start a start-up

  • And more

He’s a great resource I highly recommend.

Thanks for reading friends!

I hope was able to give you something of value this morning.

If I did, can you do me a favor and share this newsletter by clicking the socials at the top:)

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

- Morning Musing