February 8, 2023

Issue #5

Good morning friends!

Shall we get right into it…

Quote of the day:

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

- George Bernard Shaw

A Musing, Aphorism, and Heuristic (or something like that)…

i) If it is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach - Marcus Aurelius

If others can do it why can’t you?

Something to ponder when you feel like giving up.

Or you are afraid to start.

ii) Grab the smooth handle…

This is a famous quote you have likely heard before.

It’s good to remind yourself of it…

When times get hard, and it feels like the whole world is against you…

It may not seem like it but you have the choice to grab the smooth handle.

To find the good in the situation.

To find the lesson hidden in the hardship.

iii) Friends you don’t have to act around.

Find friends you can be your weirdest self around.

Like weirder than when you are alone.

If you can do this, and they don’t Actually judge you, when you guys joke about it.

You are rich.

Cocktail Time: 3 Interesting facts; 1 Communication tip; And the occasional joke

3 Interesting Facts:

i) You use all your brain, you just don’t use it all at once.

ii) Your brain is about 2% of your body weight.

iii) Your brain uses the most energy out of any organ, at about 20% of total energy.

Communication tip:

The best communication tip is to talk to the right person.

Have you ever noticed there are some people you click with?

Talk to more of those people.

How do you find them?

i) Listen to yourself, you’ll notice a pull to want to talk to certain people, so go talk to them.

ii) Talk to a lot of people and don’t be afraid to stop talking to people, it’s all about trial and error.

Note - when I say don’t be afraid to stop talking to people, this doesn’t mean leaving in the middle of the conversation without a word, or ghosting people. Be kind and use your manners.

One Actionable Tip to Improve your Life

Set aside 5 minutes and ask yourself…

What is something I know I should do, that I can do, that I’m not doing?

Listen honestly to what you come up with.

You’ll notice there are usually one or two things that stand out from the rest.

Schedule a short amount of time today to chip away at it.

Note - don’t disregard the mundane tasks. If dusting your shelves stands out, dust your shelves.

A Few Resources:

i) JK Molina teaches you how to monetize your online brand, one of the best to do it.

ii) Post on setting meaningful goals for a fulfilled life (why and how to):

Thanks for reading friends!

I hope was able to give you something of value this morning.

If I did can you do me a favor and share this newsletter by clicking the socials at the top.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

- Morning Musing